After photoshoping the rig out, adding a light in After Effects and adding some rough sound effects, here is the final product:
After doing this Project, I have realized that I kind of want to go back and do it again to practice as I think the bonce of the ball could be a little more precise, as well as the stance of the figure could have been moved a little better as far as making the weight shifting more believe able (bends in knees). For this animation, I kind of "ad libed" the animation as I went. For the next one, I think I will story board a little more, do a flash drawing animation to get the movements right and then use that as a reference video (Project Two) for the next video (Project Three). While I am making these next two Projects, I will be creating another armature. This guy's arm already is starting to break because I used too thick of wire for the arms. So while I wait for the thinner wire to be shipped to me, I will continue working with this guy. I have to have that next Project ready to go tomorrow for Studio... looks like a long night at the computer is ahead of me! Until tomorrow...