Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Some more cool things: Holloween Style

So first of all, after having my mid term review, I was advised to just make beautiful and vibrant and interesting things... so maybe not get so practical with the motion graphic stuff.  So I think I am going to go back to doing the multiplane/retelling a story thing but not get stuck in this stylistic box.  Also, I am thinking of doing a story in honor of maybe do like The Legend of Sleepy Hollow...or something with the Headless Horseman... or maybe the Goose Girl from the Grimm's Fairy Tales.... In any case... here is something awesome I found while watching random things: Click HERE to enjoy.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall 2011: Post Midterm Crit

So, after midterm crit, after evaluating where I want to go next-what themes I want to work with, but also, thinking about what can I create so that I can have the skill sets I need to get the job that I want I've come to this:

I think I am going to work on creating something similar to a title sequence so I can work on my motion graphics, however, instead of it being a title sequence, it will tell a quick story-a short story retold to be exact.  I will also use text as a way to tell the story (as opposed to stating names of actors, directors, etc.).

Some inspiration I have come acrossed are as follows:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Once Upon a Time, When There Was Nothing Good on T.V. ...

Well, here it is.  I think it is a step up from the last one, I hope you think so too.  Enjoy!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Here's my animation from last week, check it out:

As for the next (and probably final animation before Midterms), I am going to continue with the Apple and probably recreate Snow White in 30 seconds, with the biting of the apple being the central focus/climax.  I hope to do this using my multipane construction that I built a few weeks ago.  So I need to story board, buy textured paper, and figure out how I am going to mount my camera....One more week to go before Midterm Crit - Gotta get going!