Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bianca Ansems

Another amazing animator that uses the multi-pannel technique, Bianca Ansems.  Check it out!

Especially pay attention to the London International Animation Festival trailer. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Awesome Dexter Opening Sequence (Fan Made)

Just something I found while I was poking around the internet:

And here is the original:
(side note: created by Digital Kitchen-a design agency I would LOVE to work for!)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Multipane construction!

So this is what I've been building in my studio!  This will help me create paper animations similar to the ones shown below (Etude).  I also show an example of how these physical layers can be combined into one image.  Enjoy!

Multipane Construction
Above image separated into layers

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Just finished another of my "Animate Objects" series.  When creating this I kind of set a challenge for myself.  On Monday, I brought my camera in (and of course forgot my cords to connect it to my laptop, so I had to animate blindly) and knew I was going to animate something, but did not have a preset idea before I got to studio.  The animation was thus created during my studio time, and the illustration animations were done afterwards.  Here is the final take:

Just some cool things to look at...

Here are some cool things I have stumbled upon tonight:

But the coolest part is watching the making of this HERE.  There is some really great technical tips!

I found this on's website .  Check it out.  Such a great resource!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Some more awesome animations (inspiration maybe?)

(brownie points to Jon Yee who told me about this)

Ania Leszczynska

So I was surfing the Dragon Stop Motion site-checking out the new projects posted and came acrossed this talented animator: Ania Leszczynska.  Here is an example of her recent work, Etude...the awesome thing is when I watched the making of how this was created, she had the SAME set up I did with my paper animations :-).  I want to go back to this, though I don't know when-I don't know how long I should stick with the objects project-maybe just till the midterm and then the second half of the semester I will pick this paper animation back up....maybe I'll do a remake of my "Remember When" animation from like five years ago....

In the meantime I am editing another Animate Object...I hope to have that up in the next few days, so look out for that... until then...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Animate Objects!

Sorry it has been a while since I last any case, here was the final animations for the 7 Project Assignment:

At first I decided to do these quick animations revolving around objects as a way to quickly get back into animating-however, I enjoyed this process so much that I decided to continue with this at least for Midterm.  I am going to stick to animating objects as a way to let the viewer see "the hidden life of objects."  My goal is to try and create two a week and create an electronic newsletter that I can send out bi-weekly to let interested people keep updated with my shorts.  Also, after talking with Melissa Pokorny (one of my studio TA's), she directed me to two books: The Tears of Things, and The Object Reader.  She also suggested using these resources along with other books/internet to research different philosophies around objects: how some cultures believe objects have souls, that there are good and evil objects, etc. This past week I have been doing a lot of research and trying to cut away at some of the dense readings in The Object Reader.  Now I need to start animating.  I'll post as I create... until then...


I forgot to add a few interesting links from my research:
HERE is a video of "The Secret Life of Things" which is related to sustainability which could be intersteing
HERE is a link about this TV show called "Wonderfalls" where objects come to life but only the main character can see-lots of symbolism/etc.
HERE is some insight on "animism"-the belief that objects have souls