Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Animate Objects!

Sorry it has been a while since I last any case, here was the final animations for the 7 Project Assignment:

At first I decided to do these quick animations revolving around objects as a way to quickly get back into animating-however, I enjoyed this process so much that I decided to continue with this at least for Midterm.  I am going to stick to animating objects as a way to let the viewer see "the hidden life of objects."  My goal is to try and create two a week and create an electronic newsletter that I can send out bi-weekly to let interested people keep updated with my shorts.  Also, after talking with Melissa Pokorny (one of my studio TA's), she directed me to two books: The Tears of Things, and The Object Reader.  She also suggested using these resources along with other books/internet to research different philosophies around objects: how some cultures believe objects have souls, that there are good and evil objects, etc. This past week I have been doing a lot of research and trying to cut away at some of the dense readings in The Object Reader.  Now I need to start animating.  I'll post as I create... until then...


I forgot to add a few interesting links from my research:
HERE is a video of "The Secret Life of Things" which is related to sustainability which could be intersteing
HERE is a link about this TV show called "Wonderfalls" where objects come to life but only the main character can see-lots of symbolism/etc.
HERE is some insight on "animism"-the belief that objects have souls

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