Friday, February 4, 2011

[Assignment One]: Project Three

So I used a reference video for this one as a guide (the same reference video from Project Two).  Some movements I had to change because the armature could not handle certain movements.  Overall, I think my movement of the figure (weight change, etc.) looks better.  However, there was a few times that I accidentally hit the camera and you can see the change.  If I were to redue this, I would tape down everything and make sure I did not hit the backdrop, light, camera, etc.  I also wish my armature's feet laid flat.  Lastly, I would try for maybe 15 frames for second (ideally 24 frames per second but I do not have the time for that for now).  This piece was done at 10 frames per second.

*  *  *
After talking with Ryan (one of my instructors/guides) for this studio, I kind of want to explore environments- creating an environment/scene and maybe just animate small things (like leaves on the tree or maybe a character could be in it but doing something minimal).  I am also awaiting for more aluminum wire so I can make a complete armature.  Let's see what I can come up with for the next couple projects...

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