Monday, February 28, 2011

[Assignment Two] The Scary Kitchen and What Not

So like I said before, Assignment Two is to just continue working on stuff like Assignment One.  So, to start off, I redid the kitchen scene... I went home this weekend, so I was a little less impacient when filming.  I still used a tripod (and you can tell) because the movements are a little jerkey still, but compared to the first attempted it went a lot smoother.  I had less extreme angles in the shot to try that out... it was easier to make the camera movements but I think visually I actually kind of like the angled look.  Also, later on, I want to add sound to this piece.  But here it it!:

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Also, as far as for the next few weeks, I decided to start with redoing the penrose stairs shot from Inception.  I have made some drawings and his week I hope to complete a foam core model to see about size, etc.  Then I want to create a wood set.  Just have to figure out how I want to show environment (build it, green screen, etc.)

Check out HERE for a nice rendering of the stairs from inception!

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