Monday, February 14, 2011

Week Four Updates

SOOOO... I know it has been a while since I last blogged-sorry guys.  I have recently been working on finishing up two projects (project 5 and 6) simultaneously.  I have been building a new armature and building the kitchen.  The armature looks beautiful.  Thanks to that youtube video posted a couple weeks ago, my hands look amazing!  I know, so modest right.  All that is left are the cloths and head.  As far as the kitchen goes, all I need to do is put all the pieces together.  I hope to have both pieces done by Wednesday so I can start shooting the short (project 7) by Wednesday night.

While I have been creating my armature, I have been thinking about different stylistic ideas.  For example, many characters have skinny bodies, or big hands and feet, or a big head, etc.   I watched James and the Giant Peach last weekend and really liked the "bigger head" look.  I also like the idea of using black dots for eyes.  I think stylistically it is simple and clean, and as far as animating, might be a little easier for now.

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I also met with Tim last week and he told me that working on my technical skills is a good idea, but he will be pushing my creative side-why am I making what I am making.  What does it mean?  What am I trying to say with the materials I am using.  We started talking about my interests outside of the art realm-ultimate frisbee, cooking, etc.  I really like the idea of trying to marriage these two things together-stop motion with my interests/hobbies.  It got me thinking about a stop motion animation I saw last year called Western Spegetti, which marriages cooking/food with stop motion that almost only could be done through that process/material.  I hope to find some solutions/stories that are similar to that.

I am excited for where future projects will take me because I have a feeling that there are so many possibilities, however, I have no idea where I will go from here.  Hopefully I will have more pictures of my projects up by the end of the week.  Until then...

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